Social Metaphor

Why is it important if someone eats me?

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Why is it important if someone eats me?

Broadcasting time won’t pass us because we are part of it.

People use face to face communication for magic.

Visual processing provides glimpses in our heads.

Heads are the purposes of this system.

Purpose frames identity.

How can we learn to communicate playing behavior that frames identity?

Imaginative environments are our spaces that we can share with others.

Solid Affection helps to remember rules about communication.

Where we belong improves our capacity to? Think? Play? Disappear? Act? Love?

Many questions greet neighbors and friends with my questions.

My status tastes better?

Facial quest links to metaphors.

Everyone I own generates narcissism in my dreams, memories and knowledge.

Crafting our memories could make secret languages.

Situations generate our personal metaphors and interfaces.

Group colors go popular.

Crafting blur involves metaphors.

Beautiful memories blur narcissism

Send away secret languages.

Broadcasting special status
White noise flows emotionally.
I should
behave malleably.

Special sequences comfort reputation.

Special moments explore and create our identity

Appropriate signs and diagrams help our gestures.

Memories of gestures flow.

Social handicap frees conversations.

Spatial tones play with words.

Handshakes craft comforting memories.(digital)

Conversations are moments of subversion. (conversations as direct tool for subversion through tech)

Free my special narratives.

Signs appropriate subversions of conversation.

Breadcrumbs make spinning diagrams.

Navigating expressions play with sequences of memories.

Sequences of memories improvise our gestures.

Trespassing conversations subvert answers.

Mindscapes involve horror to communicate

Gestures tag memories.

How to combine many questions to express flow?

Slow places and behaviors navigate perception.

Music and voices create words that comfort our identity.

Complements act with caution.

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